In the month of October, the finest ghouls and witches gather for the spookiest of all competitions. Join us for our annual Pumpkin Pump climbing event full of fall festivities, prizes, and friendly contests.

2024 Schedule:

Open Gym Hours: 8am - 10pm

Competition Hours: 11am - 3pm
All top rope and lead climbing will be closed to the public during our competition hours! For non-competitors, the bouldering cave and fitness deck will be available for use.

After Party: 3pm - 5pm
Join us for free food & drinks, and fun outdoor activities! BYOB is encouraged!

Prizes: Announced at 4pm
The winners of our 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, place winners of both categories and raffle will be announced!



  • $50 for members

  • $60 for non-members

Registration includes:

  • Competition entry

  • T-Shirt (must sign up before Sept 27th to guarantee a shirt)

  • Swag bag with goodies!


  • Casual (Top Rope 5.8-5.11d)

  • Advanced (Lead 12-13+)

There are both male/female divisions

Event Activities:

  • Costume contest

  • Raffle for climbing gear

  • Pumpkin pull-up contest

  • Climb to the candy


  • There are prizes available for all levels as this competition is tiered with a casual and advanced category! Each tier will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes available for the men and women categories. A raffle ticket will also be included in your swag bag for the chance to win additional prizes.

  • There is no age limit to our competitors. Everyone is welcome to join!

  • The Pumpkin Pump is a Redpoint-style climbing competition.

    This type of competition provides many different climbing routes. Each route has a different level of difficulty and a unique point value commensurate to the level of difficulty. Points are gained only if the route is completed. Each attempt is to be recorded and will subtract one-tenth of a point from the total score.

  • Yes! Your belayer will need to be top rope certified by the start of the event. Your belay partner does not have to be competing in the event in order to belay, though competitors are welcome to belay each other.

  • We will have climbing available for all climbing levels! There are no prerequisites in terms of physical ability however, it is strongly encouraged for climbers to be top-rope certified. There will be prizes available for both the casual and advanced groups, as well as a raffle prize opportunity!

  • Each competitor will receive one raffle ticket in their swag bag. Additional raffle tickets are available to purchase on the day of the event. You can ALSO get a free raffle ticket by wearing a Halloween costume!